Friday, July 13, 2012

New Website: Cut on the Beat

Here's a new website I just did for my buddy Neil, editor and drummer extraordinaire.  View it on a computer so you can see it's flashiness, and then delve into Neil's work, he's done some cool stuff including a couple great Beastie Boys music videos!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Illustration Friday: Suspend

Finally, an Illustration Friday topic that kinda goes with this drawing!  This, my under-appreciated masterpiece!  This, a summary of my entire lifetime's work as an illustrator!!!  Also, what the heck, Illustration Friday's pick of the week is now random?  Oh, what's the point then.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Illustration Friday: Refresh

How refreshing!  This is an illustration done in collaboration with the lovely Liz Urso.  She drew the original sketch and I colored it.  For a companion piece, go check out her blog! (anytime now..)