Thursday, December 6, 2012

Brian's Sandbox

Here's another drawing in my continued effort to make one million Beach Boys related drawings.  You can buy a copy here!!!  Or a t-shirt!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Angry Andorian

Angry Andorian from an episode of Star Trek.  Acrylic paint and ink on wood.  And shellac.  Lots of shellac!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

IF: Imagination

Here in the middle of imagination, right in the middle of my head.

Banned from Threadless!  Heralded by dozens as.. pretty good!  Now for sale at my own store!  Buy a poster, buy a print, buy a t-shirt.  Or, you know, just download the image to your hard drive, if that's all you want.   :)

Friday, July 13, 2012

New Website: Cut on the Beat

Here's a new website I just did for my buddy Neil, editor and drummer extraordinaire.  View it on a computer so you can see it's flashiness, and then delve into Neil's work, he's done some cool stuff including a couple great Beastie Boys music videos!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Illustration Friday: Suspend

Finally, an Illustration Friday topic that kinda goes with this drawing!  This, my under-appreciated masterpiece!  This, a summary of my entire lifetime's work as an illustrator!!!  Also, what the heck, Illustration Friday's pick of the week is now random?  Oh, what's the point then.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Illustration Friday: Refresh

How refreshing!  This is an illustration done in collaboration with the lovely Liz Urso.  She drew the original sketch and I colored it.  For a companion piece, go check out her blog! (anytime now..)

Saturday, June 30, 2012

I made an app!

Well, I designed one!  And I had some help, but lets go with, I made an app!  It's for my real job over at BrainPOP Jr.  It's free, you get to watch one free movie a week, take some quizzes, read a comic, hear a joke.  If you've got kids K-3, try it out!  Or if you wanna improve your own brains!  Oh yeah, it works for iPads and iPhones!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Skating Bears of Novokuznetsk

Remember this classic 1983 nature documentary?  I sure do!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Sesame Street Shirt

I'm competing in this Threadless Sesame Street contest.  Go vote for me!  If you have a Threadless account, that is.  Otherwise, just quietly root for me.

UPDATE: Well, I was tied for first place... and then my drawing was removed because I guess I wasn't supposed to draw actual humans, or some nonsense.  Oh well.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

New Website!

I just finished this website for Denver-based Frontier Airlines. It's a contest to see which will be the next animal to grace their airplane tails. You can view the bios of all the animals, watch the TV commercials, vote for your favorite and enter to win some prizes!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Kermit loves facon

Kermit has some bad intentions! JK, it's facon! This must be my first real Muppet drawing since oh about last week. But seriously, this must be my first full color Kermit since I was 9 years old.
I wasn't sure if I should specify that he's eating delicious Morning Star brand "bacon strips," which have the delicious hearty flavor of smoked veggie bacon with a crispy bite and no cholesterol. I guess you sickos can think whatever you want!

Available for sale here!