Jareth the Goblin King will mesmerize you with his magic balls.

This is a post NIN-phase, late 90s, early 00s, "normal" Bowie look. Sure, it's not much of a "look," but I like him normal, and that was a cool haircut for him. Ok fine this one's boring, sue me.

Ashes to ashes, funk to funky, I think this clown Bowie's a junkie, don't mess with him cuz he has a not very concealed knife on him. Hmm that didn't rhyme.

This is a modern day suave snappy Bowie look. I know Bowie doesn't smoke anymore, but this dude does. His weapon is, uh, fire, I guess? Smoke on, suave Bowie.

Crowbar Bowie has a crowbar. And a batch of Nine Inch Nails-inspired songs he'd like you to take a listen to.

The return of the Thin White Duke, carving hearts on lovers' chests, with his Bowie knife, appropriately enough.

On the second day of Bowie, my Bowie gave to me, one Ziggy Startust and some gooey stuff on his collarbone! This guy doesn't even need a weapon.